Title V MCH Services Block Grant Program Resource Page
The Title V MCH Services Block Grant Program is authorized under
Title V of the Social Security Act to ensure the health and well-being of women,
mothers, infants, children (including children with special health care needs),
adolescents and their families. Originally authorized in 1935,
Title V is the oldest public health program in our Nation.
The Title V MCH Services Block Grant to States Program Guidance is used
annually by the 59 States in applying for Block Grants and in preparing the
required Annual Report. The Guidance adheres to statutory requirements and
promotes the use of evidence-based public health practices by States in developing a
Five-year Action Plan that addresses identified MCH priority needs.
In order to reduce burden on the States,
MCHB collects and provides the Federally Available Data (FAD) for the
National Outcome Measures (NOMs) and National Performance Measures (NPMs).
The FAD Resource Document provides the data, detailed data notes, availability status and stratifier information for each NOM and NPM.
Additional information on the
Title V MCH Block Grant Program
is available on the MCHB Website.

Authorizing Legislation
Social Security Administration:
Title V – Maternal and Child Health Service Block GrantNarrative Search