National Outcome Measures

National Outcome Measures (NOMs) cross all population domains and reflect maternal and child health (MCH) population health status.  The following criteria were used to determine the NOMs:

  • Such data collection is mandated or considered to be a major focus of the Title V legislation;
  • Measure is considered to be a sentinel health marker for MCH populations;
  • Measure is considered to be an important health condition for monitoring because of its increasing prevalence; or
  • There is a recognized need to move forward on the measure in the MCH field. 

The chart for a National Outcome Measure (NPM) displays the national data and state data trend over time. National and state data are also available by various demographic stratifiers. Additional data for NOMs including standard errors, 95% confidence intervals, and numerators and denominators are available in the FAD Resource Document found in the FAD Resource Document.

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